
Friday, May 28, 2010

Of Romance

This post is about how someone can lead you on to believe that you are in love, in fact you positively know that you are to be with that person for the rest of your life, and then they turn around, shoot you with a mini gun that is mounted to the roof of the SUV that you bought for them (and you didn't even KNOW about the mini gun until it was WAY too late) and then they get out of the SUV and they walk over to where they practically carved your heart out, they take that and they smash it on the gravel. Uh, yeah, kinda gross isn't it? (That was the longest run-on sentence I have ever created. Wow.)

Point of the metaphor: Be careful. Your heart will get broken at one point because someone will be too careless with your feelings and basically do the above, but in a much more humane manner, like a text message or a call. And when it does happen, you'll know how to stitch yourself back up again and get those bullet holes removed.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're bored so...

First off, this last week of school thing is a terrible idea. There's like two classes the entir day and the rest is just making up grades. My GPA is at 3.75. Not the best because I can get an A...

RAMBLING FAILS. Jeez, you people don't care. You see, Darth Raven is supposed to be helping me write this, but he's not. He's playing on, playing the viking thing...?

Yeah. Here's my poem that I wrote in 20 seconds.

You know me.
I know you a little.

I know when you go to the doctor
I know when you go to the dentist
I know the birthdays of all your relatives,
Or at least the ones you care about.

You are made of structure and blood.
I am of boxes and numbers.
We are an exchange of information.
We are the set of interconnected time.

I know when your dog needs to go to the vet
I know when and where your next vacation will be.
I can follow you on your cell phone
No one is smarter than me.

I predict your future very well
I know your most important things.
Your life is written across mine.
Your years are shorter than mine.

Who am I?
Time can only bring the pages of my new life.
The past rips my body down.
You care only for the future.
And I am willing.

Who am I?

Monday, May 17, 2010

The 10 Commandments of Epic Failing!

Haha, Sam.

Now for the 10 commandments of Epic Failing!

1. You do something moronically stupid
EX: "I wonder what this button does..."
2. Putting something in a gun that is really not supposed to be put into a gun.
EX: Almost any gun myth on Mythbusters (Mythbusters does NOT fail).
3. Something that is said or done without thinking.
EX: Obama passing the healthcare bill
4. Your name is Barrack Heussein Obama and happens to be the most powerful man in the world.
EX: Osama Bin Laden. Close enough.
5. You have a personality as Perciful Blakley (AKA The brattiest bird in the world (he is a good biter, though.))
EX: Perciful Blakley
6. You name something that is completely correct, to something that sounds plain old awful.
EX: Horsley Orthodontics, Payne Orthodontics (no offense. I hear Payne is pretty good...I guess.)
7. You use grammar incorrectly, or the entire English language incorrectly for that matter.
EX: It be two lait too ate sum frid chikn wid u iz funy>.
8. Clothing.
EX: Boys wearing their pants too low, girls wearing their shirts WAY too low, girls wearing too tight clothes, or basically anything that makes a real person feel uncomfortable looking at. Etc.
9. Saying something that you meant to say in a completely different way.
EX: "I sure hope we spelled this wrong!"
10. Drama
EX: I heard from him who heard her say to him that, "I frikin HATE YOU!" And they're, like, supposed to be going out, ya know? *chomps her gum*