One particular day, when the sun was bright in the land of...You Don't Need To Know, a girl and her family were traveling to some forgotten destination. The family had been in the car ride for quite some time and everyone was getting grossed out about each other's hygiene (or something like this. Her father may have just been driving to work or something early in the morning.) and her father decided that driving down the freeway at seventy miles per hour was a good time to start brushing his teeth.
He brushed and he brushed and soon his teeth were sparkling clean, like the marble of a King's foyer floor.
As you probably realize, there is hardly space in a car to spit out one's used toothpaste matter. He rolled down the window and spit the "crud" out still going highway speeds on a summer day.
Unbeknownst to the girl's father, the girl's window directly behind him was also rolled down.
The girl got a good helping of her father's used toothpaste.
The end.
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