
Monday, May 17, 2010

The 10 Commandments of Epic Failing!

Haha, Sam.

Now for the 10 commandments of Epic Failing!

1. You do something moronically stupid
EX: "I wonder what this button does..."
2. Putting something in a gun that is really not supposed to be put into a gun.
EX: Almost any gun myth on Mythbusters (Mythbusters does NOT fail).
3. Something that is said or done without thinking.
EX: Obama passing the healthcare bill
4. Your name is Barrack Heussein Obama and happens to be the most powerful man in the world.
EX: Osama Bin Laden. Close enough.
5. You have a personality as Perciful Blakley (AKA The brattiest bird in the world (he is a good biter, though.))
EX: Perciful Blakley
6. You name something that is completely correct, to something that sounds plain old awful.
EX: Horsley Orthodontics, Payne Orthodontics (no offense. I hear Payne is pretty good...I guess.)
7. You use grammar incorrectly, or the entire English language incorrectly for that matter.
EX: It be two lait too ate sum frid chikn wid u iz funy>.
8. Clothing.
EX: Boys wearing their pants too low, girls wearing their shirts WAY too low, girls wearing too tight clothes, or basically anything that makes a real person feel uncomfortable looking at. Etc.
9. Saying something that you meant to say in a completely different way.
EX: "I sure hope we spelled this wrong!"
10. Drama
EX: I heard from him who heard her say to him that, "I frikin HATE YOU!" And they're, like, supposed to be going out, ya know? *chomps her gum*

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